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Job Transition





Senior Director Level Biotech Executive

Primary Goals:

Creating a solid financial plan and consolidating retirement accounts.

Joe is a Sr. Director and has worked his way up from being an Associate Scientist. He’s passionate about his job and has recently accepted an offer from a larger biotech company. Besides feeling ecstatic about his new chapter in his career, Joe is unsure about what financial areas he needs to take care of before, during, and after the job transition. Joe has been with his current company for 7 years, and he’s also worked at other companies prior to that. He’s not sure what he should do with old 401(k) accounts that he’s had, and wants to review what options there are, as well as which option would be most appropriate for him. The other area he had questions about is his ESPPs, and what the implications are from his job transition.

Joe is looking for guidance that considers his investment and career history in order to optimize what he can do moving forward to pursue his financial goals. He is ultimately seeking guidance on his financial situation so he can confidently take on his new job.

Joe is going through a life event that impacts your financial position. We will work with Joe to simplify his retirement accounts and discuss all the options on his ESPPs. Finally, by implementing a strategy after we get a thorough grasp of his needs, goals, and circumstances, Joe can focus on his job transition.

This is a hypothetical situation based on real life examples. Names and circumstances have been changed. The opinions voiced in this material are for general information only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual. To determine which investments or strategies may be appropriate for you, consult your advisor prior to investing.
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